"Israel doesn't exist" or is it the next holiday destination?

"Israel doesn't exist" or is it the next holiday destination?

It’s really difficult talking about the Middle East without mentioning the occupation of Palestine. The word conflict is usually used in this context, but conflict means two sides are equally fighting, but that is not even the case. The Zionists have all the forces and the billions of money to destroy Palestine and they have been ethnically cleansing the Arab Muslims and also the Arab Christines that live there.

It’s a state of pain, confusion and suffering. I have to admit it’s an emotional subject for me and it’s one that I don’t really voice very often because it’s draining and discussing it doesn’t lead to much. When I put together favourite cities from the Middle East post, I was conflicted whether to even include the word Israel on the list of countries and I thought I had to be politically neutral because this is a travel blog, but I just can’t deny the truth that it is called Palestine and its occupied territories even if Google Maps and IPhones tell me otherwise. It is heartbreaking to see the maps of Palestine getting reduced every year (refer to image below).

The past few years, “Israel” (aka: the apartheid zionist colony) started showing up as a holiday destination and I have been seeing more adverts than ever before.

Suddenly, it’s this new heaven within the Middle East, where Westerners can feel at home with a mild taste of the Middle East. The PR has really changed the image from an apartheid state to a holiday destination with travel videos of beaches and fun stuff started also popping up and it felt like looking at two parallel worlds: Happy Israel, where all the fun happens, and miserable Palestine, where it’s murdered and bleeding to death with limited water, polluted air and constant trauma of children.

Famous storytellers or dare I say “influencers” like Nas Daily, who is an Arab by bloodline, but identifies as Israeli also contributed a lot to this strange narrative. I don’t agree with all his content, but he tries to show “both” sides from his own perspective. To be honest, I find him very problematic.

With my frequent travels, I encountered more and more people who are going to the occupied parts of Palestine known as Israel and everyone told me their stories. Some people loved that part and loved the beach and the “Israeli” food. The claim of the Zionists to the Arab and the Levant culture abd food boils my blood. It is not enough they stole the land, but they also want to steal the food and the culture.

Do you know what also is heart shattering? The stolen Palestinian lands were listed on Airbnb, read: Opinion: My Palestinian Family's Land Was Stolen. Then It Showed Up On Airbnb and Palestinians sue settlers over stolen property listed on Airbnb.

Lately, my British Muslim friends started going to “Jerusalem” and since everyone accepts the name of the city without a political argument that is what the trip has been called without a mention that when they go they officially accept Israel is the governing and regulating body there because they go through their customs, get their visas and pay taxes to them. If you are Muslim going there, I want to take a hard look in the mirror. I don’t care how much charity work you do when you get there, you are submitting to the oppressor and calling it charity.

I will not accept this apartheid state of Israel or tourism to it. I will not promote the suffering and the death of Palestine for a holiday and you should not do that. I find it hilarious when people have issues with Saudi for their so called human rights violations, but they are okay going to the occupied lands. If you are that person, educate yourself.

Jewish Voices for Peace is a good resource to get some education.

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