Arabian Wanderess | رحالة عربية

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Experiencing Virtual Reality in London 

The only experience I ever had with virtual reality was watching videos related to it when they circulate on Facebook. I didn't think I was going to try it myself. The other week, a Virtual Reality exhibition/experience was suggested to me. I said yes obviously. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I am just glad I went. All the online tickets were sold out. London events get sold out really quickly!! The website said there might be tickets available at the door. So, we went to the event yesterday, which took place in the very artsy space, House of Peroni. Luckily, we got some tickets!!

There were three artists involved: "Italian artists FABIO GIAMPIETRO - 2016 winner of the prestigious Lumen Prize for digital art - and PEETA, along with British counterpart CARNE GRIFFITHS, will take you on a journey of craftsmanship in their own unique way."  

Fabio was in charge of the night when we went. He showed us how to play with the VR set and we started drawing right away! It was really cool how fast we all got into figuring out the drawing. I couldn't think of anything original so I only wrote my name and added a snow effect. It was still fun. The VR just shows how many amazing possibilities the future holds! 

We also got a drink and a free print of the artist's VR work which was really awesome! I think it was a bargain for the 20GBP/each.